Intravenous sedation

Intravenous sedation is used in addition to local anaesthesia to help reduce the anxiety patients may have about an oral surgery procedure. It makes it easier to have a potentially stressful treatment carried out. It is a modern, safe, effective and predictable way to reduce patient anxiety. It enables patients to undergo procedures such as wisdom teeth removal in a more pleasant fashion.

In order to have a procedure performed under intravenous sedation an assessment must be performed prior to the day of your appointment. The appointment is to ensure that there are no contra-indications to you having intravenous sedation. An up-to-date medical history is required as well as a complete list of current medications. Blood pressure measurement, heart rate and blood oxygen levels, height and weight are recorded at this visit.

Intravenous sedation involves the administration of a medicine through a small plastic tube (cannula) in the back of your hand or inside of the elbow. The sedative used is called midazolam. This is a member of the benzodiazepine group of drugs. It provides a general state of relaxation during the oral surgery procedure. The recovery period is also quite short, with no feelings of nausea.

When having treatment under intravenous sedation you will feel very relaxed and sleepy. In general people have a sense of detachment from what is going on. The sedative is given in small amounts over a period of time until you are sedated enough to have the procedure performed. You will remain conscious at all times and be able to talk and respond to instructions.

Throughout the procedure and during the recovery period your heart rate, blood oxygen levels and blood pressure are all monitored.

Local anaesthesia is also administered so there will be no pain throughout the procedure. After the operation you are likely to have little or no recollection of having the treatment carried out.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATIENTS HAVING TREATMENT UNDER SEDATION It is important that you observe the following instructions or your treatment may have to be postponed:

  • You MUST NOT eat or drink anything for FOUR HOURS prior to your appointment time. Before this you should have a light meal e.g. tea and toast, coffee or juice.
  • No alcohol is to be consumed 24 hours prior to your appointment.
  • A responsible adult must accompany you to your appointment. He/she must escort you home following the appointment and arrange for you to be looked after for the following 24 hours.
  • You or your escort MUST NOT be responsible for looking after any other adults or children for 24 hours following the sedation
  • Your escort should take you home after your appointment by private car rather than public transport
  • If you are taking any medications please inform the surgeon. These medications should also be taken at the usual times unless otherwise directed.
  • Any illnesses occurring before the appointment should be reported as it may affect your treatment.
  • You MUST NOT drive any vehicle, operate any machinery or use any domestic appliances for 24hours following sedation
  • You MUST NOT drink any alcohol, return to work, make any important decisions or sign any legal documents for 24 hours after sedation.
  • Remove nail varnish and false nails before your appointment.